Tuesday, April 14, 2009


There's no place like home, there's no place like home. Little Baby and I are here in Florida for two weeks and we are ecstatic. Life is easy here: a yard (with a swing!)...a washer... a dryer...a car. For the last five years, I have been an urban dweller, living carless in a car-centric world. I'm so used to my zipcar that it rarely occurs to me that there are people out there (we will call them my friends) who are not only completely perplexed by the idea of "car sharing" but who cannot fathom the concept of not owning a vehicle. Its probably especially hard to grasp here in Florida where people spend more money on their cars, than their house. So for all you suburbanites - here's how I zip around.


  1. Am I the only one who still doesn't get what a ZipCar is?? How the heck do you find the car? Where are the keys? How do you get in it? Why am I so lazy that I can't click on your hyperlinks that probably answer all my questions anyway?

    Your Suburbanite Friend.

  2. Is a Zip Car like a Smart Car? It looks just like a Smart Car... I loved the Metro when I lived in D.C. Of course, this was before I had kids all I had to lug around was me and not 2 kids plus double stroller and diaper bag! In the city I live in now, I need my car.

    Loved the pics in this post... heehee!

  3. Neat! You're the first zipping blogger whom I have "met". I am looking forward to reading more of your blog.
