Saturday, April 11, 2009

More Blogging...

So apparently the things that bloggers write about really are true. Everything is bigger in Texas, including the blogosphere. Texan bloggers know each other and even get together for meals. Anyone can have a cute blog. And if Sugar Mommy (four children!) and Weasel Mama (five children!) have time for blogging, I have time for blogging.

Thanks to everyone for your comments - have a wonderful Easter!


  1. Happy Easter!

    Why don't ya'll come down for supper and join us here in Texas :) Really I don't talk like that!

  2. How many peeps have you consumed today?

  3. Hey! Hope you all had a very lovely Easter.

    How is D.C.? I used to live there - well, in Bethesda, MD, to be exact... I was an intern for WUSA-TV 9 on Wisconsin Ave. I loved living in D.C., especially Georgetown... and I really miss it... mostly the shopping!

  4. Welcome to the world of blogging!
